Friday, February 3, 2012

Mug shot

So if any of you don't know, Delaware has a new law...when renewing your license, not only do you have to bring your entire life with you, to prove who you are NOT allowed to SMILE....err, I go to renew it and OMG, all I can say is...
Thank you State of Delaware for my loverly MUG shot license...I look like a cross btwn a mug shot and a deer caught in headlights!  I literally CRINGE now whenever anyone asks to see my license...not to sound vain, but gosh, I have to admit most of my past license pics turned out fairly good all those years...and now THIS one...AH!  And, the KICKER...I don't have to renew it for another 8 long, glorious years....JUST GREAT...sigh...another new loverly rule...(I'm thinking I may 'loose' it by then)...
Now, to PROVE I'm not vain...I'll even post my pic...sure, take a good look and get yourself a good laugh now...sorry it's a bit blurry (or maybe that is a good thing)

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