Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sleepover Fun...

What a day!  Our first FREE aka 'down' Saturday was anything but...9am Ashlee's game...immediately after that was Haylee's game....then it was our turn to volunteer at the snack shack for 2 by the time we got home it was 5pm...and somehow Ash and her softball buddy remembered that I mentioned 4 weeks ago, of a 'possible' sleepover this w/e...and man do those girls have good, as promised,  Giana got to sleepover....oh what fun they are having...ah to be young again...:)

BTW, both girls did excellent in their games...esp in fielding and getting the outs...Haylee made an amazing double play too...tagged on girl out 2nd base, then then threw the ball all the way to home plate to get a 2nd person out...awesome job!!!

Now I sit, with my glass of's my 'free' day to eat whatever I pizza and fried chix on the menu...oh and wine...did I mention I have WINE...:)

Tomorrow morn the girls' want pancakes and bacon...then I need to rush to grocery store for the weekly groceries...and then we have some more guests (band) over...after all, it is Sunday Funday...:)

Notice where they are 'supposed' to sleep...but...

look 3am, 3 tiny bodies one by one end up in MY bed...invasion of the bed snatchers

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