Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ashlee DAY!

After enduring 50 needles for NOTHING (and lot's of bruising to show for it), we deemed today ASHLEE DAY...after school, she chose what reward she wanted, and where she wanted to eat, off to the mall for Build-a-Bear...she has been begging to go to that place for months...she hasn't been there since she was a tiny she doesn't even remember it...but she LOVED this place and the cute process you go thru in picking it out and stuffing it with love...she chose 2 outfits, and shoes.  Then off to dinner at food court (I was so hoping for Olive Garden or any place that sells WINE)...then a quick photo with the Easter Bunny...and home for showers.  This is one very happy girl!!! 

meet Sparkles, her new best furry princess friend.

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