Friday, November 2, 2012

Love Seed

Last Saturday Rob and I attended a benefit at Frawley Stadium...Love Seed was we ventured over to see them.  I'm a long time fan and I hadn't seen them in a few years...they sound good but they are def NOT the band they used to be (3 of the 5 are still the original crew, and well, Rick has gained weight but lost hair-go figure)...still good to hear them jam to some good tunes and I will FOREVER have the fond memories of way back when, when they ROCKED the stage...literally!!!!

On a side note...can you BELIEVE Frawley ran out of freaking WINE (the nerve)...first off they only had, ok, (sigh), not my fave, but I'll take glass number 2 they only had a moscato wine...a very SWEET wine...err, ok, sooo not me, but fine, I'll drink it because Rob paid for it...thinking Rob mistakingly got me the wrong kind, I go up for glass #3 and they only have...gulp...WHITE ZIN...shutter the thought, I passed on that...we heard one or two more LSMJ songs and off we went to where they sell REAL alcohol...Grottos, and our old stomping ground, Scratches...oh the memories...:)

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