Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 9th - Ashlee's 10th BD Bash...

Here's some pics from the fun day...I failed to get pics of the cotton candy machine, the huge inflatable obstacle course, nor any pics of Ash blowing out her bd candles...grrr...but I did manage to snap a few of these...

Test of the Times...Worst of Times...

Sorry for my lack of updating this blog...I swear I'm such a slacker anymore!  I truly have lost my ability to take pics and post them.  As of this yr, I didn't take any pics of my kids first day of school...nor any pics of them in softball...and I haven't taken many pics of recent parties (just a few of Ash's 10th bd bash)...UGH...I'm just beside myself with disappointment...I need to get a grip and get back on the cycle of life and keep up with's going way too fast...but I promise to keep on here's some random pics...

Haylee and Bella having fun on the Riverfront on Mother's Day

ah, to be young again...