Friday, August 22, 2014

Mary Kathleen's BD Celli

We grilled chicken, salmon, pork chops...tons of cream...and spirits! We kicked back 'old skool' and even danced on the chairs like we did back in the day at my mom's many moons ago...Mary had a great time!
Mary tries to dip her popsicle in her brandy

Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy Hour @ Diana's!

A fun Friday night with family & good friends...always a great way to end the week!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Indiana Trip

Another GREAT vaca at my sister's house on the's great to just walk outside and have so much to do...jet ski, canoe, tubbing, pontoon...and just relax with drink in hand!

Nutri Bullet to the rescue...

After so many great vacations, we all agreed it was time to get back to eating we bought the Nutri Bullet and we LOVE it...we bought a TON of fresh veggies and fruits of very have a blast concocking their own smoothie...they make at least 3 a day! Gotta say, great purchase!!!