Monday, March 31, 2014


Well, I knew the day was going to come where I would hear the 3 dreaded words from my boss; "I am retiring"...I knew it was coming, but never THIS soon...he just said he decided Thursday it was time, and he came into the office Friday, just to tell me the news first...besides HR, I was the only one who knew! The worst part, he is done end of April!!!! WHAT?? He's not finishing out the YEAR at least?! Well, at that point I just lost it, and cried...I tried my hardest to keep it in while in front of him, but, I was just a mes! So many mixed feelings...saddness (I had been working with Mike for 14 yrs), scared of the unknown and who I was going to work for...will they be as nice and flexible as Mike? Probably not...not many bosses are like him, that's for sure! So, since I was so upset Friday, Mike let me go home at noon...then a rescue outting with my 2 sister's at Cantwell's to take my mind off of things. Saturday, Mike sent me flowers...the card read :"We made a great team"... sigh...and I cried again...but not for long...a nice relaxing trip to Lewes beach was in order...and it was just what I needed. NOW, I have to update my resume (which is so outdated), and submit to HR this week...they will try and place me in a postition here in DE...fingers crossed they can find a slot for me...and that I like the new heart is pounding just thinking of starting all over again...I've never been a big fan a change!

flowers from Mike

lunch at the Green Turtle enjoying wine and the ocean
sisters to the rescue...cantwell's

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Ashlee's schools first dance...she had a blast!

Friday, March 21, 2014


Ashlee was selected from her class to be a part of the STEM project for 3rd grade....she was so excited and worked hard. Their project was called Water Filtration, basically they had to make their own and show how it proud of her!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

BD Celli

A fun run to Duffer's Pub for a birthday drink with the birthday girl, Aunt Eileen...:)

Friday, March 7, 2014


Ashlee begged me for weeks to get her ears pierced...I was semi hesitant, just because I was afraid she would not keep up with the daily maintenance, etc. BUT, after much discussion with her, off we went to the mall...she carefully picked out her earrings...and it was finally the moment of truth. As you will see, the anticipation and nervousness in her face tells the stung bad she said...but she didn't cry...she put on a brave face afterwards...but advised me she was in alot of pain...nothing a few ice cubes couldn't cure! NOW she is a happy girl again!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Caravel Cheer Comp: State's

Caravel cheer comp

**it's a little shaky, but you can see Haylee do her thing...she did great for her first time ever doing cheer comp!  Caravel got 3rd...:)

Monday, March 3, 2014

FL visits DE

Cousin Drew and his GF Heather had a very QUICK visit (thx to the snow)...we made the most of the 2 days they were here...always good to see family!
Filliben men