Monday, November 25, 2013

Office time

Ashlee is off this whole week, so today and tomorrow she will come into my office at work...she doesn't mind it tho, she has a nice lil' set up...blanket, pillow, dvd's for movies, ipad, rainbow loom...and lot's of good food to help get her thru this tough day...:)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Ashlee Honor Roll Assembly

She was so excited about geting her certificate today...this is truly one girl who worked hard to get proud of her!!


After dinner treats...their fave place ever!

Sydney, Haylee and Ash

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Last Friday while Haylee was at a slumber party with her cheerleading friends, me and Ash went out for some treats and rewards since she got HONOR ROLL this marking period...first stop, Toysrus, followed by her fave burger at Cheeseburger in Paradise!!

Last Game

Haylee's last football game, under the lights...

It's a Blurrrrr

Late night fun with the family...

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Great Pumpkin

Jim and the girls get their pumpkin carvin on before Halloween...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Saturday Night Fall Fun

Nothing but a fun night with friends and family, for no reason other than just for the fun of it!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Pat's 40th

An awesome time for an awesome guy...

beer pong queens

shots shots shots...and more shots