Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wake Up Sleepy Head

On my 3rd attempt to get Haylee up and out of bed early...I find her like this...all she could do was lift her head off the pillow and she fell right back to sleep like this. Mornings sure will be interesting when school starts next week!

Fall Ball

The time is here...Fall Ball!
Ashlee on her first day of practice with her new team

Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of 3rd Grade

Ashlee is ready to roll...back to school...but this is a first's the first yr w/o her big sis with her. Haylee will start a new school next Tuesday!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Thirsty Thursday...

Not one to go out on a 'school' night so much these days, however, Bryen from Mr. Greengenes was playing at the old Lime in, Jim, me, Rob and Jody decided to head out for some drinks and fun...Thx mom for babysitting so last minute!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

August Weekend....

Hard to believe we are already almost thru August...and usually August is fairly low key for us, socially, however, this yr proved wrong...what was supposed to be our one and only down w/e ended up in party status mode, go figure...:) Friday was a low key but fun HH at the Tavern...Saturday was a last minute pool party at my cousin's in PA....Sunday was recovery mode...slow moving, laundry, school supply shopping, cleaning...and THANK GOD for crock pots...that was my saving grace! You literally throw whatever you have in there and like magic, wala, it's a MEAL...a delish one too!~!



Monday, August 12, 2013

Beach for All...

while the guys' were in Dewey for the annual beach w/e, us wives hit the beach as well, with the kiddos at the Milyo beach compound for some sun and fun ourselves! We stayed up late Friday night chatting with wine and cheese...Saturday we hit Cape Henlopen Beach for the day, and came home for showers and tacos...Sunday a big breakfast with our men, then off to the drive-on beach for the day (LOVE THIS)... A truly great weekend was had by all...
Chris getting ready to grill some grub for us at the drive-on beach

Ashlee and Lyndsie go sand crabbing

Haylee, Ryleigh and Gavin work on a sand castle

Leah, Ash, and Lynds soak up the beach at the Cape Saturday

Thursday, August 8, 2013

More GA

...just a few more pics from their fun day at Great Adventure yesterday...thank goodness they did not get rained on!
cotton candy face

Ash, Collin and Haylee having a great day

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Great Adventures..

The past 9 days the girls have been having a blast at all their cousins...they had 4 days with Aunt Loretta in Lancaster, followed by 5 days with Aunt Fran in, me and Jim took FULL advantage of that free time and had lot's of date nights...we enjoyed so many new restaurants for dinners, brunches, lunches...of course I missed my girls, but I definitely was grateful for that time with my hubs!!! The girls are not even home one full day and they are off to GREAT ADVENTURE with daddy and Aunt Sarah, Collin and Kevin...not the best weather but it's cooperating for the time being...and of course they are having a blast!
Ashlee on top of the world (Ferris Wheel)